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Ghost Walkers
Well met friend.
Have a drink, I insist.
We are Ghost Walkers and we drink there for we are.

The Ghost Walkers are a mercenary unit atached to the Unicorns in the L.T. roleplaying system (The Gathering)

In this site me and Gemma have just thrown together info about the Ghost Walkers . So please guys feel free to send me any pics backgrounds or ideas u have for the site! We are tying to keep this updated but have fallen behind somewhat so bear with us. Thanks

Thing's to come
What we am hoping to do is one day get the money to turn this into a proper site, with a chat page and members only site for the GHOST WALKERS.
This is only temporary as it is a pain in the ass not being able to change important things like moving photos about on the page layout or having them as thumbnails that you click to enlarge.
If anyone has any helpfull sugestions email me or drop a note in the guest book.

Authors of this web page:

We are Gofur & Gems
you may know Gofur as Balst 1096-1101 (gone but not forgoten)
my new charecter is Ser fozlan a knight of the church of the Ghost Walkers.
We decided to make this site for two main reasons
1 the people who had said they would do the Ghost Walkers site did not bother!
2 We got a shiny new computer and thought hay ho this might be fun!
Unfortuanatly we are no web designers so it will be basic but it will do for the time being.
 We hope you like it.
The best bit is the mug shots 

Look at how many people have hit this site

This is Gofur

email me